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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Farm Runoff in Mississippi River Floodwater Fuels Dead Zone in Gulf

A dead zone -- already the size of the state of New Jersey -- is growing in the Gulf of Mexico, fueled by nutrient runoff from the swollen Mississippi River.

This year, with floodwaters from the Birds Point levee breach and the Morganza and Bonnet Carret spillways spreading over farmland and other residential areas, the river is collecting tremendous amounts of fertilizer and pesticides. This is contributing to what scientists say may become the largest dead zone ever, and posing a serious threat to already taxed marine life.

During the rainy season, fertilizer, animal waste, sewage and car exhaust wash into the Mississippi and the Atchafalaya rivers, flow south and empty into the mouth of the Gulf.

Nitrogen and phosphorous from farm runoff and animal waste are especially toxic to ocean life. They act as natural fertilizers, feeding harmful algae and causing it to bloom wildly. As bacteria consume these blooms, they suck oxygen from the water, depleting the ocean's oxygen reserves. Scientists call this oxygen depletion hypoxia.

"We're expecting probably the largest-ever amount of hypoxia," said Nancy Rabalais, a marine scientist and executive director of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. "That's the the prediction based on the amount of nitrogen coming down the river."

A surge of fresh water creates a layering effect in the seawater, which compounds the problem. The freshwater sits above the heavier saltwater, acting as a cap that prevents oxygen from reaching the deeper water levels.

"The bottom layer of the ocean gets so low in oxygen that sea life has to swim away and vacate the area, and if they can't get away, they suffocate," said Matt Rota, science and water policy director for the Gulf Restoration Network.

Flooding could cause further injury to fisheries in the northern Gulf of Mexico, already reeling from last year's oil spill, Rabalais said. Dead zones alter the habitat for crab, shrimp, fish and lobster, often forcing them to shallow areas. This includes catchable seafood, like shrimp and snapper, which are vital to the area's fisheries. "A lot of the Louisiana shrimp fisheries use smaller vessels," Rabalais said. "With the price of fuel and the distance they have to go, they might opt not to go offshore."

Possibly the largest source of nutrients comes from farms in Illinois, Iowa, Ohio and southwest Minnesota, where drainage tiles -- plastic pipes that crisscross underground - - drain the once-wet soil, making it arable, and dry enough for corn and soybean crops. But these pipes also flush nitrogen fertilizer into tributaries, which lead to rivers and eventually the Gulf.

In fact, research shows that the most heavily tile-drained areas of North America also contribute the largest source of nitrates to the Gulf of Mexico, which add to the dead zone, according to Mark David, a professor of biogeochemistry from the University of Illinois.

David is researching options for reducing nitrate levels. They include valves and beds of woodchips inside the tiles, as well as restoring wetlands, which filter pollution naturally.

It's not the farmers' fault, David said, but there's little incentive for farmers to reduce their nitrate output. 

"There's a fundamental problem in the whole system if we really want to reduce nitrate and phosphorous loss from the system. Everything's been voluntary up to this point, and that hasn't gotten us anywhere."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Competition for krill links a rebounding ecosystem to penguin declines

At the far bottom of the earth, at the bitter end of the Pacific Ocean, lies the Ross Sea, home to a large proportion of the world’s penguins. Although it’s often considered the last intact marine ecosystem on earth, it appears there is no escape here, nor anywhere else, from the invisible miasma of CO2 produced by modern society. But, as a new study in PNAS shows, the impacts of changing climate are not simple — they interact through a complex network of food-web interactions with legacies of fishing and whaling, ultimately rippling out to the region’s penguins. And a key link — the one ring to rule them all — is krill.

The recent story of two penguin species in the region has posed a puzzle: Adelies hang out on the pack ice in winter, whereas chinstraps forage in the open water, meaning that they should show opposite responses to the declining ice cover caused by climate warming.


And in the late 70s and early 80s they did as expected: Adelies declined with melting ice whereas chinstraps prospered in the opening water. But since then both species have declined steadily. What’s up?

The paradoxical history of penguins over the last century appear to result from a complex interplay between the twin horsemen of climate change and human harvesting — in this case fishing and whaling (see the figure).  It’s long been suspected that the relentless human pressure on every other vertebrate in the southern ocean proved a boon for penguins as competition for krill was reduced. First there was the hunting of the Antarctic fur seal in the 19th century, then the decimation of whales during the wild-west days of the early 20th century, and finally the fishery for icefishes over recent decades. Indeed, penguin numbers climbed during much of the 20th century.

But as conservation measures have kicked in, the whales and seals have  begun to rebound and the region’s fisheries have come under more conservative management. On top of this a trawl fishery for krill was established, all of which leads to more mouths going after the central resource of the Southern Ocean — krill. And the penguins find themselves caught between the pincers of declining sea-ice habitat and declining food.

And there is another issue. As the New York Times summarizes:
“The Ross Sea is projected to be the last place on Earth where sea ice will endure. But as the annual winter sea ice boundary retreats farther south, pack ice penguins may ultimately find themselves trapped behind a curtain of polar night for which they have no hardwired strategy.

Indeed, Dr. Ainley speculates, Adélie penguins face possible extinction not merely by a loss of habitat — but by an unshakable fear of darkness.”
Original source (open access): Wayne Z. Trivelpiecea, Jefferson T. Hinkea, Aileen K. Millera, Christian S. Reissa, Susan G. Trivelpiecea, and George M. Watters. 2011. Variability in krill biomass links harvesting and climate warming to penguin population changes in Antarctica. PNAS 108(18):7625-7628.